Poetry Friday: Albert Garcia, “Offering”

Our local indie bookstore shared this book of poems on its website a few weeks ago, and I just had to have it. First, because I love the work of James Crews, the poet who put together this collection; next, because I love the work of Ross Gay, who wrote the foreword; and finally, because you can never really have too many books of poetry.

These days, I seem to have some sort of senior citizen version of ADD, and poetry is the perfect reading solution. I can open a book of poetry, read and focus on just one poem, and then mull over it as I go about farm chores. Yesterday, I opened up to this poem in between weeding and untangling a gnarly pile of movable fencing: Albert Garcia’s “Offering”.

I loved the way the line “but we’ve often said our needs are simple…” as an entrance into such simplicity. The visual of that “palmful of raspberries” stayed with me, as did the rest of each sensory detail the poem reveals. And I loved the idea of gifts being “small, bright, honest”… what else could one really need?

9 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Albert Garcia, “Offering”

  1. And…welcome back to Poetry Friday, too! You always pick the best poems! Have you read Barbara Kingsolver’s new collection? So good.

    Now I’ll be thinking about raspberries and carefully chosen words all day…

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  2. What an absolutely lovely poem. And that book looks like a must-have. It’s going on my list. Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

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  3. I especially am touched by, “Not what you hear/Which is never what I mean to say.” What a joy it is when we can accept a gift for what it *really* is, not what it might look like on the outside.

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  4. I’m taking some time for catching up this afternoon & forgot I hadn’t read your post, Tara. Another book of poetry? Of course? It is those gifts that we often do not recognize as gifts that make our lives good, maybe especially during this past year. Thanks and hope your day was as delicious as raspberries.

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  5. My apologies for visiting your post so late, Tara. Your (and Albert Garcia!) ‘Offering’ is exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you for the palmful of “small, bright, honest” goodness, too…mmmm! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This has been one of my favorites from that book, tho there are many! Every time I open it, I am touched. My favorite line: not what you hear, which is never what I mean to say. I found you by accident, because of this poem. I love what you’re offering the world, and may incorporate something similar into my website. I’ve always randomly read poetry in class, or put one in the emails. Now in the members’ section, I will have a dedicated poetry section where I and members can add poems! Inspired by you! (thank you)


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