Gardening again…

Going through seed catalogues is something I reserve for those winters days in which I begin to question the wisdom of our decision to live year-round in upstate New York. These catalogues, with their glossy photographs of endlessly sunny days and gorgeous garden beds spilling over with ripened veggies and flowers in full bloom, are just the sort of thing that makes another day of grey skies and forecast yet more snow somewhat more bearable.

I place my seed orders in January and start sketching out the new season’s planting schedule; then I wait for the day when all the snow has melted away at last, and the ground has defrosted enough to allow for planting.

That day arrived this past Tuesday. Unfortunately, it was a blustery day which made removing the covers off of the raised beds somewhat tricky. The earth was loose enough to rake through with fresh compost, and in went peas, kale, and spinach. I’ve never grown peas before, mainly because I was intimidated by the trellising required to allow them to grow properly. But, thank you internet, I learned that smaller tomato cages work really well for peas, too, so in went two varieties.

By Friday, it promises to be warm enough to begin seeding trays of flowers and vegetables I can plant later. Those catalogue photographs will have the chance to come to life right here in my garden, and that is a good thing.

3 thoughts on “Gardening again…

  1. Although the snow here is long gone, we have a way to go yet before the soil is ready for stirring up. Only the four urns — front porch and back courtyard — are almost ready for planting after I stirred up the dirt. Man, that dirt smelled good! (until I realized I was disturbing old rosemary roots!) The herb garden still looks dead as a doornail.


  2. As I read these thoughts I’m taken back to stacks of Burpee seed catalogs with beautiful pictures of bright read tomatoes on the covers… tempting one to take a bite! The promise of good things to come! (Admittedly, the thought of 200 tomato plants, green and yellow beans, two plantings of corn…. on and on it goes.. could wreck the scene!) Such pleasures are always accompanied by work! But dream on right into digging time!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wonder how your summer was….. I can no longer garden for health reasons. So this was my last summer. I will look for someone to at least put some flowers in next year. 🌻


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